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发稿时间:2016-12-16 08:35:00 来源: 千龙网



  1. 韩国总统闺蜜干政

  Acourt in South Korea has formally issued an arrest warrant(逮捕令)for a confidante(闺蜜) ofthe country'spresident.

  2. 股市(听力重点)

  Stocksin North America and Europe slide (下滑)onceagain on concerns overthe US election.

  3. 易建联遭遇禁赛

  Insports...CBA player Yi Jianlian receives a onegame suspension(禁赛) overhis shoe protest.

  4. 长征 5 号运载火箭发射

  Thesuccessful inaugurallaunch (首次发射) of China's new heavy-lift(重型) Long March 5 carrierrocket(运载式火箭)

  5. 上合组织(翻译重点)

  TheChinese premier calls for increased cooperation among member-nations of theShanghaiCooperation Organization(上海合作组织).

  6. 川普当选美国总统

  TheChinesepresident has sent a message of congratulations to US president-elect(候任总统) Donald Trump.

  China'sgovernment says it’s ready to work with the newadministration of USPresident-elect Donald Trump.

  7. 主席和航天员隔空对话

  ChinesePresident Xi Jinping speaks with astronauts (航天员)aboardthe Tiangong-2 spacelab.

  8. 双十一(电子商务:翻译重点)

  Alibabasetting new sales records (创造新的销售记录)early to start out this year'sversionof "Double 11"

  9. 纪念孙中山

  PresidentXicalls for national unity at event commemorating(纪念) 150th birthday of Dr. SunYat-sen.

  10.APEC 峰会

  Chinesepresident Xi Jinping promotes Asia-Pacific Free trade agreement at the APEC summit.

  11. 宇航员安全返回

  Apair of Chinese astronauts are back safely on earth after spending over a monthin orbit(轨道).

  12. 中美关系

  TheChinese president has had a phone call with US President-elect Donald Trump to discussSino-US ties(中美关系).

  13. 新西兰地震

  Apowerful earthquake has killed at least two people in New Zealand, and prompteda tsunami warning.

  14. 中国经济

  Analystssay China's growth goals are within reach, but uncertainties(不确定性)remain

  15. 成龙获奖

  JackieChan gets an honorary Oscar for his lifetime of work(终身成就)


  1. 人民币入篮

  TheChinese currency (货币)is now officially included in theInternational Monetary Fund's reserve basket(国际货币组织保留体系).

  2. 改革(翻译押题)

  TheChinese premier has called for additional reforms to aid economic developmentand social justice.

  3. 房价(翻译押题)

  Twomore major Chinese cities have taken steps to try to put the breaks on(遏制) property speculation(房地产投机).

  4. 经济(翻译押题)

  Anew IMF report suggesting China is poised to (轻松的)maintain its current levelof growth through the rest of this year.

  5. 印巴冲突

  Tensions(紧张) between India andPakistan are rising over the disputed Kashmir territory.

  6. 美国大选(热门)

  AndUS presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have squared off(启动) in the first debate ofthe 2016election campaign.

  7. 台风马修

  HurricaneMatthew has been blamed for hundreds of deaths in the Caribbean. The storm isnow hitting the US.

  8. 诺贝尔和平奖

  Thepresident of Colombia has accepted his Nobel Peace Prize.

  9. 空气污染(翻译押题)

  Airpollution alert levels have been elevated(升级)in Beijing, with smoggyconditions expected through this weekend.

  10. 外交

  ChinesePresident Xi Jinping has arrived in Cambodia for the first leg(站) of his latestinternational trip abroad.

  11. 小德卫冕

  NovakDjokavicis looking to defend(卫冕) his Shanghai Masters title.

  12. 联合国新任秘书长

  TheUN General Assembly has officially approved former Portuguese Prime MinisterAntonio Guterres(安东尼奥古塔雷斯) to take over for Ban Ki-moon(潘基文) as the next UNSecretary-General at the start of next year.

  13. 长征(翻译重点)

  XiJinping hails Long March as "epic(史诗)," and Calls for therealization of "centenary goals"

  今年是长征胜利结束80周年:the 80th anniversary ofthe end of the Long March.

  14. 天宫 2

  China'sastronauts aboard Tiangong-2 said to be in good health as space agencies aroundthe world observe the Shenzhou-11 mission.

  15. 中国男足换帅

  AnItalian has been tapped to take over (接替)the reigns (负责) of China's nationalfootball team.

  16. 中菲关系

  Thepresidents of China and the Philippines have pledged(承诺) to boost bilateral ties(促进双边关系),following meetings inBeijing.

  17. 郭川船长失联

  USCoast Guard officials have officially called off(取消) the search for missing (失联的)Chinese sailor Guo Chuan.

  18. 可持续能源(翻译重点)

  Government,business, and other world leaders gathered at UN headquarters in New York to discusssustainable energy(可持续能源).

  19. 英国机场工程

  UKauthorities green-lighting(批准) a massive new runway project atHeathrow in London.

  20. 十八大闭幕

  The6th plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party ofChina (十八届中国共产党中央委员会)has officially concluded.(闭幕)


  1.G20 峰会

  ChinesePresident Xi Jinping calling for unity among the world's top leaders attending theG20 Summit in Hangzhou.

  2. 台湾巴士大火

  Prosecutors(检察官)say the fire that killedmany Chinese mainland tourists in Taiwan was deliberately(故意) set.

  3. 朝鲜核试验

  Chinaexpresses firm opposition(强烈不满) to the latest North Korean nucleartest.

  4. 美军无人机

  AUS drone(无人机) strike may be responsible for thedeaths of dozens of Syrian soldiers.

  5. 阿里巴巴市值亚洲登顶

  Alibabanow leads all listed (上市的)Asian firms in terms of market value.

  6. 台风莫兰蒂

  Deathtoll from Typhoon Meranti reaches 7

  7. 天宫 2

  Chinato launch Tiangong 2 space lab at 10:04 pm tonight

  8. 联合国大会

  InNew York for the UN General Assembly(联大), the Chinese premiermakes a promise to eliminate poverty (消除贫困)in the country by 2020.

  9. 难民问题

  LiKeqiang has also met with other world leaders to talk about the global refugeecrisis(难民危机).
